Sunday 19 August 2012

Roundup Day 10 (Morning)

An early start today for some of the team fuelled in almost equal measures by daylight, enthusiasm, and scottish malt. The first net round was shortly after 3:30 a.m. but a change in weather conditions meant a much gentler start to the day compared to the previous morning.

Although the numbers of bluethroats and willow warblers were down there was a new lapland bunting, red throated pippit, and another arctic redpoll to add to the records.

As more sensible team members arrived to relieve the weary first shift the number of birds picked up with a steady 94 new birds being ringed by the time nets were furled around mid-morning.

Greenfinch    9
Brambling    3
Common Redpoll    19
Arctic Redpoll    1
Lapland Bunting    1
Reed Bunting    5
Bluethroat    7
Meadow Pipit    7
Red-throated pipit    3
White Wagtail    1
Redstart    2
Dunnock    1
Willow Warbler    23
Dunlin    9
Ringed Plover    1
Little Stint    2   
New Birds   
Species Count    15
Total    94

 * Could blog readers bear with us while the second team get into their stride with data entry and a ringing schedule as well as overcoming a few technical problems with adding photos.Wwe will try and match the relentless efficiency of our previous data man as soon as possible!

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